Autum, Lexis, and I became friends almost immediately. We met in 2nd grade and in 3rd grade, they invited me to church with them for Bring a Friend to Primary Day. I'd never been to church before, so I was pretty excited. My mom got me a new dress and new shoes. She did my hair and I went with them to church. I liked it a lot, and I couldn't wait to go again. That summer, they invited me to Pioneer Day. We camped at the church overnight and the next day there was a big carnival-type thing. It was so much fun! I went the following year on Bring a Friend to Primary Day again and then when I turned 12 I went to a few activities with them, but not a lot. I also went to Pioneer Day again. It was the same as the first time with the camp out and the carnival. Only this time, there was a boy. A boy who I noticed, but didn't notice me. As soon as I saw him, I had the HUGEST crush on him. At the carnival on Saturday, there was a dunk tank. A dunk tank he was at all day. So, naturally, I wanted to be there all day too. Every time I sat on that little dunk tank seat, he was at the plate to pitch the ball that would send me into the freezing water. Being a twelve-year-old girl, I thought it was totally completely meant to be. No, of course it wasn't because there was no one else in line. (Actually, it was.) Or just a complete coincidence that when I stepped up to pitch, he was sitting on that little dunk tank seat. (Yeah, again,it was.) I was utterly convinced that this boy was my soul mate. Of course it didn't matter that I had never talked to him in my life. After we left, I soon forgot about this boy. However, this is the same boy that would, in a few years, completely change my life.
I'm lovin' the writing so far! Not just the story but the writing style! You're a great story teller. It's always fun to end your posts with foreshadowing or a cliffhanger - keeps your readers hooked! :D