Monday, August 4, 2014

Update on Life

Holy cow, it feels like it's been years since I've updated my blog! I guess it almost has been. I've been in Utah almost 2 years now! I'm going to be starting my junior year of college in about 20 days, which is crazy to me. I have been all over the place with my decision of a major. I was set on social work, switched to engineering, changed that to elementary education, hated the classes, discovered radiology, found out the U doesn't offer a radiology program, was going to transfer schools, decided against it because the U does offer Nuclear Medical Technology, but it is one of the hardest majors, the program only accepts 6 students a year! So, here I am. I am entertaining speech pathology at the moment. Also, Lilly update! Can you believe this kid is going to be 4?! Where did time go?? I've gotten the chance to see Kevin, Danya, and Lilly many times since I moved to Utah. Mostly when I can make it home for a trip. For my spring break trip, we met up at Disneyland. Such a blast and it melted my heart that Lilly wanted to sit with me on every ride. And both times I've seen her this year, she's screamed my name and run into my arms. Literally the best feeling in the world and I definitely had to fight back tears.What else is there to say?? My best friend, Morgan, got married in May! I was her maid of honor, which really was an honor! Planning weddings is crazy, but it was so worth it in the end. It really was a beautiful wedding. Not much else is happening in my life. I've moved a few times since I've been in Utah. After I lived in the dorms, I moved into a ghetto little basement apartment with my friend Clint for the summer. I also secretly loved that apartment. After that, Morgan and I moved into an apartment for a year. Lots and lots of memories there. Now I'm in a house with a couple of other girls up in the Avenues of Salt Lake and I absolutely love it! Also, I got a dog and he is incredible! I am an active lover of animals, my family had four dogs, so it was hard not having animals in my daily life. I was allowed to have a dog and so I rescued one. His name is Milo. He is a golden retriever pitbull mix. He is so well trained, hardly ever barks, and is the biggest sweetheart ever. We go hiking and for runs as much as possible. When I went to California a couple weeks ago, I took him with me and he LOVED the beach! It was awesome watching him run free in the sand and water. He also loves the backyard at our house. Lots of times when I can't find him, I look out the window and see him just chilling in the grass. It's adorable. Other than that, I stay pretty busy with work, I'm working a full and part time job right now, and will just be crazy busy once fall semester starts. I squeeze in some dates and hang out with friends when I can, but other than that, my life is pretty boring. I'm the typical working, Netflix-watching college student. 
 So, with that, I bid you adieu, and leave you with some of my favorite pictures from the past couple of years! 

Hope you enjoyed! I will try to update this thing more often! Haha :)